

ORFEUS Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop

EMSC General Assembly

7-10 October, Grenoble, France

Thank you for registering to the EPOS Seismology Workshop 2019. We are looking forward to your participation and contributions! This web page contains links to the workshop program, the list of confirmed participants and other useful information. Please keep on reading.

Workshop program & presentations

The latest version of the program is available here.
PDF copies of the presentations and posters are available here.

Confirmed participants

List of confirmed participants.

How to get there

The workshop will take place at the campus of Université Grenoble Alpes, namely at the Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre) and at the Centre Technique du Papier (CTP). The venue is easily reachable by public transport from the city center: tram stop "Bibliothèque universitaire" on line B. The workshop as a whole will take place at the CTP (341, rue de la Papeterie, Gières). All the side meetings (including EMSC GA) will take place at ISTerre (1381 rue de la Piscine, Gières), except for the ORFEUS BoD. Exhaustive information on how to reach the campus can be found here. The closest airports are "Lyon-St Exupéry International Airport" and "Geneva International Airport". Both are well connected with Grenoble by bus and train.


Please organise your accommodation yourself. A list of reasonably priced hotels can be found here.

Organising Committee

  • Local / ORFEUS: Helle Pedersen & Philippe Guéguen
  • ORFEUS: Carlo Cauzzi, Susana Custódio & Reinoud Sleeman
  • EPOS Seismology / EMSC: Florian Haslinger & Rémy Bossu
  • Posters

    Poster format and layout: A0 portrait. No predefined template.


    Please contact the organisers by email.
