
Earthquake-induced landslide likelihoods based on European ShakeMap ground-shaking estimates

This webpage provides access to earthquake-induced landslide likelihoods for events with M>=4 (any magnitude scale) included in European ShakeMap. The calculations are carried out following the global USGS approach and software, based on the model of Jessee et al., 2018. This page is updated upon occurrence of an earthquake with M4+ in the Euro-Mediterranean region, for which a European ShakeMap is available. Each calculation is uniquely identified by the EMSC eventID of the earthquake. Clicking on any links in the list below will provide access to a ZIP file which includes: (a) a GeoTIFF map (WGS84) of the landslide likelihoods; (b) an HDF5 archive including the input to, and output of the landslide likelihood model.

List of events